Latest Marketing Updates - Inside Amber’s Journal (Spring into Action and Make Your Business Bloom)

Happy Friday! 

It’s been a long week for me. But I am truly loving this spring weather. There are some gorgeous purple flowers and yellow roses blooming right outside of my house and it’s giving me all the fancy feels.

I love how blooming flowers remind us how seasons are changing. They are a visual reminder that we’re entering into a new season. 

And speaking of blooming, springtime always reminds me of how important it is to actually look at how your business is blooming as well. Where you can physically see the growth that’s happened over time. 

It’s really motivating to see how your business is taking shape. 

So now that we’re rounding the end of quarter 1, (crazy how time flies), I wanted to share a bit with you about how my own business has grown. 

I’m a fan of ads to grow your email list. Your email list is where a lot of your sales will come from. You want to see how my email list has grown over the last 90 days? Check it out below.

And if you’re looking for ideas on how you can grow your own email list, email me at amber (at) and let me know. I’ll email you back with some ideas that can help you. 

So what happened in marketing this week that I think is important for small businesses to know…

Apple says if you boost a post on Facebook now, they want a piece of the pie. 

If you’re a small business who likes to boost a post on Facebook, you’re going to want to listen to this. 

Recently, Apple came out with an update saying whoever boosts their posts within the ios app has to pay the piper.

Essentially, if you decide at any point you want to hit that handy dandy boost button on Facebook to help your social media posts get seen…Apple has labeled it an “in app” purchase and has tacked on a 30% charge. 

Does that mean your boosted posts will be seen by more people? Absolutely, not. It’s just money that goes in Apple’s pocket.

But don’t worry, my friend! I’ve got your back. Facebook has just put out an article on how to avoid the extra 30% surcharge.

Take a look at the article here >>>

These are just resources I love and recommend. I am in no way affiliated with these companies. 

📘 My Favorite Business Planning Journal: I’ve been using the 90 day intention journal from BiggerPockets for a little over 2 years now.

I absolutely love this journal for planning out 90 days of intentionality. This journal is actually a planner that was originally created for real estate investors.

But I’ve found that it can work for any type of business. Check it out here >

💳 Tax Time is coming up - so if your accounting is a little ‘meh’ check out Freshbooks Accounting Software - If you’re a business that’s looking for easy to navigate accounting software, I highly recommend checking out Freshbooks. Freshbooks tends to host lots of sales throughout the year.

So if you’re looking for new accounting software (or to change your accounting software) give it a look. Check it out here >

🙏 Lovely prayer over your business today: I pray that your business blooms faster than you ever dreamed possible. In Jesus name, amen!


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