It All Started on a Random Monday Morning

As I (Amber) drove to work to spend a 13-hour day at a job I disliked in a dark office with no windows - I saw the most beautiful sunrise peek over the mountains.

And I thought, “What if every day I got to see this? What if on a random Monday, I got to hop in my car, traveled to places I never explored, and got to watch the sunrise…”

Then, I looked up the spiritual meaning of a Sunrise - Optimism. Filled with the hope of a day yet known. Freedom. Anticipation. Opportunity.

I decided after already working long hours in the military that I wanted to own my time.

I didn’t want to be at the every beck and call of my manager having to ask for time off whenever I just needed to take a trip to the grocery store or even go to the doctor. Perhaps you can relate…

I wanted complete and total freedom over my time so I could decide what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it and who I wanted to do it with.

So I invested money from my savings to hire a coach who helped me start a real estate investing business. I had never run a real estate investment business before.

My coach gave me everything I needed to succeed, including marketing templates that would help me generate leads. And after six months, I started to gain some traction.

  • I started forming a new referral network. 

  • I was walking around neighborhoods going door to door for 5 to 6 hours a day speaking to neighbors.

  • I was putting up signs promoting my business wherever I could.

  • I went into the local Jamba Juice to ask if I could put my business card up on the bulletin board. (I thought I was so clever only to find there were 30 other cards from local businesses doing the same thing).

  • I put ads up on Craigslist 3 to 4 times a day.

  • I called people and got hung up on time and time again.

I was marketing and doing everything I was told to do.

Some things worked better than others, and I did gain traction.

Until I did my first real estate deal because of a referral, then another, and another and finally quit my job!

As excited as I was in the back of my mind, I wondered if I was going to be able to do it again.

Because honestly getting a referral sort of felt like a fluke.

I had no idea if or when I would get another deal. And banking on referrals felt so uncertain to me.

But when the market shifted, I had only the template marketing pieces my coach at the time gave me.

And those templates worked for a while. 

But the leads started to dry up. 

Every day I would wake up, worried and wondering whether I was still going to have a business anymore.

When customers stopped responding to my message, I realized one thing…
I had no idea how to actually market a business.

I wondered if I could cut the mustard as a business owner. I thought maybe it was just easier for other people, but not for me. I thought maybe being a business owner is meant for other people but not for me.

Because if I had no idea how to generate leads, how would my business ever survive?

And the truth is…it didn’t. I had to close up shop on my business that had once brought in $40,000 in one month.

I never wanted to feel that way ever again.

I told myself that I would learn how to market any business in any market. Whether the economy is in a recession, or the economy is booming, whether people feel strapped for cash, or whether they don’t.

I was determined to figure it out.

I went to school and got my MBA and studied everything I could about marketing. 

I learned the basic principles like AIDA attention, interest, desire, and action. And I learned advanced techniques. I decided to get mentored by some of the top marketing professionals in the world.

Back in 2015, I decided I would try my luck at Facebook ads. I had heard about how powerful Facebook ads could be to generate leads so I decided I would invest my own money to run my very first Facebook ad. I was scared to invest in my own money. I’m not going to lie about that. This was something I had never tried before.

After spending some time learning how to apply all of the marketing I had learned to Facebook ads it was like I had unlocked a brand new world.

I started to easily generate consistent leads for a fraction of the investment all those other lead generation strategies cost me.

In fact, I learned how to do Facebook so well that my fear was no longer if I would generate leads, it was…Will I be able to keep up with all of the leads I’m generating?

Facebook ads are not easy to do. I’m not gonna sugarcoat that. There are a lot of strategies, sales psychology, and basic marketing principles that stand the test of time that go into making Facebook ads work.

This is why it’s nearly impossible to just take a course on a weekend and become proficient at running Facebook ads if you don’t live in breathe all things marketing on a regular basis.

When you start generating, consistent leads even:

  • While you sleep

  • Or on vacation

  • Or even taking a basic trip to the grocery store

  • Or taking a shower

  • Or even cooking a delicious dinner for your family!

And you know when and where your next lead is going to come from, rest assured…you can rest easy!

Hey there, my name is Amber!  I’m an expert marketer, wife, dog mom, lover of Jesus, and my favorite mornings include watching the sun rise over the mountains. I am an Air Force veteran, hold an MBA, and have managed millions of dollars in ad spend. I’m the Creator of Travel for Sunrise, where we help spiritual women use the most exclusive digital marketing strategies to grow their business, so they can trade the dingy office for breathtaking views. 

We’re all about family, creating new adventures, and having the free time to do whatever you wish WITHOUT sacrificing your quality of life. And day in and day out, we’re helping men and women like you discover new ways to grow your business in alignment with your soul’s purpose and adventurous spirit.

If you’re like me, then knowing who you’re listening to when it comes to marketing your business is important to you. That’s why I’m excited to share a glimpse into some projects I’ve worked on.

See the different types of major marketing projects I’ve worked on here >

Think of us as your Navy Seals Ads team you call in because why not get *THE* most elite team who will get the job done, right?

Our Real Time Experience Sets Us Apart

We run ads for our own businesses too. We know what it's like to invest your own money into growing your business.

That’s why our number one goal is to get the best results for the lowest possible investment.

Everything we do is designed to give you what you actually want…predictable repeatable high quality leads so that you can grow your business with peace confidence and ease.

Our Mission

To help people like you grow your business so that you can spend more time with your family.

What We Believe

God First. Then Family. Then Business. 

We know God hasn’t made us to work all the time. Instead, we believe in the parable of the talents - to be proficient and effective in the time we work. And to work heartily unto the lord. Parable Of The Talents In A Nutshell

We Test Our Way to Success

We test new ideas and let the solid numbers help drive our decisions. Testing allows us to be fast and nimble, and find what actually works for your business.

Community Matters Most of All

We believe success is available to anyone. There’s room for all of us. And we believe that God has something special for each one of us. Instead of competing, we believe in performing to our absolute best and being, “so good, they can’t ignore you.”


The Million Dollar Marketing Funnel Blueprint

This is the exact process I use to bring in leads and sales for businesses generating over $500K in revenue. And it’s yours - For Free!

Schedule a Free Strategy Session:

Psalm 15:4

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