You May or May Not Have Realized…Generic Marketing Advice Promising to Double Your Sales Overnight Is Costing You Your Fortune

Get access to over $1,000,000 dollars worth of PROVEN marketing strategies personalized for your business so that you will double your sales the right way.

Client’s We’ve Helped Optimize Their Marketing

I’ll let you in on a secret…

Most gurus say you should be everywhere online…

Be on TikTok (but is it being banned?)

Cater to Google’s search

Try your luck at Pinterest

Focus on SMS

Forget about X! (Nope. Actually get on X!)

Well, what about Threads?!

It’s enough to make even an owl’s head spin around three times!

So when you’re looking to grow your business (like yesterday!) what do most driven, determined entrepreneurs do?

They do what anyone else would think to do…

…whip out their phone in a panic and bend their knee to Google searching for an answer. 

In mere seconds, you can have over 10,000 answers at your fingertips to painstakingly sift through hoping somewhere…SomeONE has an answer.

So like most people, because your hell bent on making your business work – you choose searching through Google results as the only option you can think of. 

Night after night…in between meetings…at the end of a long day when you should be present with your family…you’re searching for an answer.

And since you know you don’t really have the time to review thousands and thousands of answers – you settle for just one. 

Really…it’s the luck of the draw! 

You hope the answer you’ve settled on is the best clue.

Because the truth is while you’re searching for a way to solve the major cash problem in your business, you don’t know a couple of things:

  1. If the person you’re listening to has actually even made a dime online.

They could be someone giving you ‘advice’ on how to grow your business when they have no clue how to actually grow their own.

2. You’re wishing, praying, hoping that the advice they give you is the best advice for YOU!

STOP! You’re Playing Russian Roulette With Your Business!

Here’s the truth…

Whether you’re listening to someone who has yet to make a dime online.

Or you’re listening to a ‘guru’ who actually has some idea about what they’re talking about. 

The painful truth is…they still can’t help you!

Because unless that person knows the ins-and-outs of YOUR business…

…it’s near impossible for them to give the best advice – for YOU!

Imagine you have to go to visit your doctor because you have a headache.

And then without examining you…

without asking you what you’ve tried to solve the problem…

without questioning how long you’ve had the problem…

without taking an x-ray or anything….

the first thing the doctor says is that they recommend you have brain surgery. 

Anyone would question that advice would you not?

But that’s what most people do online – search through a sea of answers hoping they’ve found the needle inside the largest haystack in the world.

Most online ‘gurus’ give the same advice – and it just so happens the advice they give to solve your problem is to take their course that will run you thousands of dollars – perhaps you even have to dip into your savings to cover the costs. 

Yet when money’s on the line…your business is on the line…heck your future fortune is on the line…you don’t have the time for generic advice. 

You need someone who specializes in knowing the ins-and-outs of YOUR specific business.

Back to the doctor example…

After the doctor recommends surgery without examining you, what’s the first thing ANY person would do? 

Get a second opinion! And not just any second opinion. 

What most people find is that a generalist just won’t cut it. 

They want a specialist am I right?

You wouldn’t bank your life on generic advice. 

Yet that’s what most people do in their business. 

They bank the life of their business on generic advice they heard from some Jo Schmo online. 

Jo Schmo can’t give you specific advice because he doesn’t know the scope of your business.

  • He doesn’t know your customer’s likes and dislikes

  • He doesn’t know your business, your mission, and your business’s purpose

  • He doesn’t know the resources you have available to execute on a new idea

  • He doesn’t know what has or hasn’t worked already in your business

  • He doesn’t know your short-term and long-term personal and business goals.

  • He doesn’t know anything about the skills of your staff

…And this is just to name a few!

You Would Say Tailored, Personalized Advice Makes the Biggest Impact Would You Not?

Who can argue that specific advice tailored to you isn’t better than generic advice without any insight?

99% of the time, you’ll find greater success and hit your goals faster when you have advice tailored to you. 

The problem is – you need the right advice! Advice that’s putting you on the RIGHT path. 

What better way to tell that you’re on the right path than to see what people who have already accomplished what you want DO to reach your goals. 

For example, one of the biggest milestones our many partners who run purpose-driven businesses have reached is generating over $1,000,000+ in sales. 

Now if you run a small, purpose-driven business it would make sense to see if what you’re doing in your marketing is similar to to what other businesses who’ve surpassed $1,000,000+ in sales are doing.

What most business owners try to do is create multiple different products...many different services, and at multiple price points. Then, they try to market EVERYTHING to see what sticks.

But after helping countless partners reach over $1,000,000+ in sales all while being their full marketing support team, I can tell you exactly what our partners do to create million dollar marketing.

There’s a big difference between what our partners who reach $1,000,000+ in revenue do – and the ones who don’t.

The difference is…

They have one path to take someone who knows nothing about your business to become a customer!

Our partners we’ve helped hit $1,000,000+ in revenue all have one clear path. Every customer ends on one straight and narrow lane heading to one destination – the sale!

Picture Kentucky Fried Chicken, In-N-Out Burger, or Keller Williams Real Estate. 

These billion-dollar companies all offer multiple products and services now - but the original path to becoming a customer started with ONE thing. 

Our Methods Show You How to Remove the Road Blocks that Stop Your Website Traffic From Becoming Your Customer

As easy as it sounds, the problem is…especially when you’re selling products or services online…there are a lot of blocks that can occur on that path to becoming a customer.

These blocks cause friction and keep your customers from purchasing.

What are the blocks? Here’s a list of some of the roadblocks that can occur:

  • Slow page loads

  • Inconsistent messaging

  • Wasted above the fold space

  • Incorrect use of pop-ups

  • Lack of social proof

  • Mobile layout issues

  • Cart Abandonment

  • Lack of an email marketing strategy

  • Unclear “what’s next” directions

  • Inconsistent branding

  • Lack of calls to action

  • Improper use of testimonials

  • Lack of trust info when purchasing

  • Appearance during search

  • Social profile unoptimized

  • Failing to email your list

…And that’s just to name a few!

In a Million Dollar Marketing Review, we often find over 25+ roadblocks that need to be removed.

Most business owners aren’t aware the road blocks are even there!

If this is you, then what do you do?

Well, all hope is not lost.

What you need is a specialist who can actually reveal the blocks in your marketing that can be removed and clear a golden path to sales.

And just like that!... We’ll help you course correct so that you too can be on the same path to $1,000,000+ in sales – just like our partners. 

And even if your goal isn’t to hit $1M, as the saying goes, “shoot for the moon, you’ll hit the stars.” 



Get access to over $1,000,000+ worth of tried and true proven strategies personalized for your business and 2x your business the right way.

Every block removed in the path to becoming a customer.

We’ll reveal how to streamline the path from start to finish. 


Desktop AND Mobile Analysis -

A complete, thorough, and actionable review with call-outs showing how to streamline your path to purchase and have clear, marketing that works on both desktop and mobile.

Each experience on desktop vs. mobile is unique and you must have both experiences working for you. 

Complete Start-to-Finish Review of What Your Customer Sees  -

We’ll review your marketing path from start-to-sale and reveal what someone experiences before they ever become a customer.

This means we look at EVERYTHING from your social media accounts, to your ads, your landing pages, and everything in between.

This alone will reveal exactly what’s working and what’s not.

This entire analysis comes to you in a personalized video so you can see EVERYTHING. 



But that’s not all!

You’ll also get: 

A Personalized Sales Scorecard - VALUE $500

Your Sales Scorecard will show you an actionable list of tiny tweaks that take the least amount of time to implement that will make the biggest impact on your sales. 

Each tweak is scored from biggest impact to the smallest impact.

Your scorecard is based on our partners doing over 1 million in sales each year. 

So you can see how your marketing strategy stacks up against our partners to make sure you’re on the right path to more sales. 

Website Audit Checklist - VALUE $299

You will get our exclusive website audit checklist for FREE that reveals areas on your site where you can make more sales. 

At any moment after your Million Dollar Marketing Review is complete, you can pull out this checklist and keep it handy in your backpocket to make sure you’re always leading your website visitors to becoming a customer. 

Our Methods Are Tried and True

Imagine what would 10%, 12% or even 15% more leads and customers mean to your business? 

We are marketing specialists in fast growth. That means we laser in on activities that move the needle and heavily focus on conversions.

We’ve helped multiple partners who run purpose-driven, health and healing focused niches scale to $1,000,000+ in sales. Rest assured, there’s not a problem we can’t solve. 

If you’re still not sure whether we’re the right people to review your marketing, I want to show you some of the results we’ve gotten and companies I’ve personally worked with. 

Word of Warning

We use proven marketing strategies in your business that work. 

So if you’re…

  • Not open to change

  • Afraid to hear the truth

  • Scared to see massive business growth that can happen in a relatively short time

…then this Million Dollar Marketing Review is not for you.

But if you’re ready to make a massive shift in your business, bring in more sales, and create an automated marketing machine that churns out sales WITHOUT you having to work so hard - then keep reading. 

The Investment

With a quick Google search, you’ll find that most CRO services like this will cost you $800 to $10,000 PER MONTH!

But our Million Dollar Marketing Review isn’t even half of that!…

It’s not even 1/3rd of that…

In fact, it’s not even 1/10th of that…

Today, you can get your very own Million Dollar Marketing Review for…

Only 2 Installments of $279

(Save 15% when you pay in full)

Here’s what people who have worked with us have to say:

Lyzelle, Success Coach

They kept our work together focused on areas that will profit my business.”

Working with Amber and this team, I could tell they genuinely care about the success I have in my business. I felt that they keep our work together focused on areas that will profit my business.

Mary Jean-Inman, Course Creator

“We sold 3 premium-priced courses in just a week and a half!

Even today we are seeing the effects of working with her as we just enrolled another person to our course! We can see our dream becoming a reality and are so thankful to have worked with Amber as we chase our goals!

Jennifer, Business Coach

They have the knowledge and ability to help you get where you need to go.”

This team knows how to dig deep in order to address underlying issues. Our work together is enlightening, focused, and productive. They always demonstrate a keen ability to listen and ask thought-provoking questions.

Zac, Entrepreneur & Investor

‘While many marketers overpromise and underdeliver, she’s the complete opposite. She makes it happen.’

Amber is just plain good at marketing. While many marketers promise a lot and don't deliver...she's the complete opposite. She says what she's going to do and she does it. I'm blown away.

At an investment like this – it’s a true no brainer! But that’s not all!

You’re backed by our unique “Get Value or Get Paid Guarantee!”

With our Get Value or Get Paid Guarantee – you either get TWICE the value of what you paid or we will personally refund your money. 

PLUS, we’ll give you $50 just for trying it out. That means there’s literally nothing to lose. In fact that means if all else fails, you can get paid to have a world-class marketing team show you how to apply 6 and 7-figure marketing strategies to your business.

So don’t wait and lock in your spot today!

We’ve already started booking and this is only available at this investment for a limited time. The price will go up.

We are offering this because we want new customers the ability to get real help fast - RIGHT NOW! Your business can’t wait!

And of course, we hope we have the opportunity to work together in the future because you will find this review is so valuable. 

But don’t wait. 

The clock’s ticking.

Here’s How it Works:

Step 1) You invest in your Million Dollar Marketing Review

Step 2) You complete our Client Intake Form that tells us everything we need to know about your business and your goals

Step 3) We deliver your Million Dollar Marketing Review and your bonuses to your email

We normally deliver your video review and all your unique bonuses in 7 days. But it is on a first come first serve basis and we will confirm your exact date after you complete your intake form.

So, don’t end up in the back of the queue.

Get your Million Dollar Marketing Review now!