Is Your Website a “Fixer Upper?” Here’s How to Know…

If you’ve ever run ads before or you’ve thought about running ads - this will be the most important thing you read today.

One of the most important things about an ad isn’t the ad itself.

It’s actually the landing page.

Your landing page’s numero uno job is to make the sale - whatever that sale may be.

Where you send traffic after someone clicks on your ad has to have three things!

  1. An irresistible headline

  2. A few solid reasons why someone needs what you’re selling

  3. A crystal clear call to action button someone can hit WITHOUT having to scroll down the page

Here’s an example of a fixer upper - meet Founder Fuego. My dear friend who’s also named Amber asked if I would help redesign a landing page for her. 

Her current landing page was alright - but there was some real “room for improvement.”

So with a little bippity boppety boop Disney style magic - I took the landing page from this…

…To this!…

Here’s why this works better

  1. An Irresistible Headline - The first headline was fine, but it needed information to tell you exactly what you were getting by joining the newsletter. 

  2. Proof Points - Amber and the team were featured in multiple news outlets. So I took the outlets that would be most significant to her audience and added them to the landing page

  3. The call to action button - someone doesn’t have to scroll to join the newsletter. 

  4. We’re showing off the service which is a newsletter and positioning it like a product.

  5. Then we added some kind words from people to showcase how good the newsletter is.

I bet that when we start running ads, this landing page will convert hundreds of thousands of new subscribers. 

If you’re thinking - man I have a webpage that also needs to be fixed up too so that I can attract more customers?

Let me work my magic on it.

Right now, I’m actually holding 60 minute reviews where I’ll tell you exactly what you should fix with your webpages and ads to attract more customers. This will be a good first step if you’re considering doing any ads co-management stuff.

The best part - it’s 100% free!

Click here to get your free review

BTW - if you want to get the inside scoop on how I grow an email list? Then, check out the Ultimate Ads Guide.


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