How to Generate Leads Using Social Media When You Have Little to No Followers 🚀

Has this ever happened to you?

You have a great idea for a piece of social media content. You think this is bound to get a ton of likes, shares, and more followers. 

My audience will absolutely love it that they’ll be ready to open up their pocket book and say, “Hey you, how can I work with you right now?”

So you spend all this time putting together what you deem to be the perfect social media post.

And you finally post it to your social media only to find…

You get one like and it’s from your mom.

I know how frustrating it can feel. 

Social media is something that everyone knows they should do, but few people understand how to make social media work for them.

Most people think you have to have a really big following to generate leads.

But the truth is...You don’t need to have a huge following.

I mean it. 

I’ve generated hundreds of leads for businesses who have had less than 1,000 followers. 

In fact, I’ve helped one brand bring in consistent leads at less than $1.23 per lead and they had only 134 followers on social media and hadn’t posted a single post in over 8 months. 

The way that I do it is by running paid social media ads! 👍

It’s true! Paid ads are what I use every time I want to drive high-quality leads. 

You can actually run paid ads even if you have a small budget.

After managing social media accounts for some of the biggest brands in California...

I use paid social media ads every time I want to drive high-quality leads because paid ads guarantee my audience will see my offer.

They are predictable and repeatable. 

Paid ads are a part of my lead gen system that runs 24/7 so that I can work where and when I want. ⚙️

And they can be easier than you think when you have the right strategy. 

If you’re curious about how paid social media ads work, check out a breakdown of an ad below that will spur some creative juices. 

I show you exactly why the ad works and how you can replicate something like this in your business. 


What Happened in Marketing This Week -December 7, 2023


What Happened in Marketing This Week - November 16, 2023