What Happened in Marketing This Week -December 7, 2023

  • Why I’m Hyped That Instagram Wants You to Get Hyped 🤩

  • How to Use a Useless Holiday to Create a Quick Cash Injection 💵

Why I’m Hyped That Instagram Wants You to Get Hyped

Cool news! Instagram just rolled out a new feature that affects IG Stories only. It’s called “Hype Comments.”

Pretty much, IG realized that most followers are participating with brands by using stories. But you may not have realized that whenever people would comment on an Instagram story, the comment would always go directly to your DM. 

So no one would see the comments, but you. 

Penny for my thoughts: The cool thing about using “Hype Comments” is so other people can see social proof. 

Here’s what social proof actually is…

When you are running social media ads, and let’s say for example, a lead comes over to your Instagram profile. And the lead can see other people are engaging with your stuff, it builds up your business in the lead's eyes and makes your brand look more desirable.

So “hype comments” (err…why they don’t just call them comments I don’t know. But I digress), will be a good way to spark some engagement.

How to Use a Useless Holiday to Create a Quick Cash Injection

If you feel a little short for ideas on how to generate cash flow this is a strategy I help my clients do during slower seasons. Perk up because this is a good one!

And one place I always love to turn to is my handy dandy…National Today calendar!

The National Today calendar gives you a complete list of all the holidays happening on a given day. And some of them are completely useless. However, what I love to do is create a reason to have a flash sale based on a holiday.

This helps if you need to create a quick cash injection into your business.

For example, today is National Free Shipping Day. And if you sell a product that ships you could of course run a sale where you’re offering free shipping. 

And theeeennnn, I would also create a quick social media ad to keep getting in front of your warm leads so that it feels like you’re everywhere. 

This strategy is a great way to create a cash injection into your business by running a sale WITHOUT devaluing your brand (because we’ve gotta stay high-class, am I right?)

Want to see how to create even more sales without the grind? Download my Ultimate Ads Guide below to show you how to use the power of ads to amplify your business

Everything that’s Special

🎧 Business Podcasts I’m Loving Right Now: Pop in your ear buds because you’re going to want to listen to the Love Your Money podcast. This podcast is hosted by Hilary Hendershott, a Certified Financial Planner. In this recent episode, Hilary talks about End of Year Financial Routines That Make You Wealthy. She gives some great advice for business owners to think about during tax time so get your journal out and your pencil freshly sharpened to take notes. ✏️📓

BTW - Did you know that funds invested into marketing are tax deductible? Pretty cool right?

🙏 Lovely prayer over your business today: I pray that you are filled with the wisdom to make the right decisions that move you closer towards your soul’s purpose. In Jesus name, amen!


What to Actually Do to Have an Effective End of Year Marketing Planning Meeting (Part 1)


How to Generate Leads Using Social Media When You Have Little to No Followers 🚀