What Most People Don’t Know About The Power of a Tiny Email List

I've been blessed to work under many amazing mentors and do some pretty cool marketing stuff like have work featured on 3 covers of Fortune magazine.

I've even been able to manage over $122M+ in ad spend, do all types of marketing from television ads, billboards, Google PPC, newspaper ads, direct mail.

Whatever you can think of, chances are I've done it. But, there's one thing I realized I loved more than anything else.

EMAIL MARKETING! Here's the thing about email marketing though...

#1 - Many people don't realize the power behind your list

When most people see email marketing as "just another marketing channel" I see your email list as your "List of Connections."

They are people you can contact whenever you have something you'd like to sell because...

#2 - Most businesses don't realize how much more money they can make from their email list over other marketing channels

While I love paid media like Facebook ads etc. Running ads (on average) creates a $2 return for every $1 spent.

(Although average is NOT good enough over here at my marketing boutique, I digress.)

Email marketing on AVERAGE creates a $42 return for every $1 spent. Yet, here's one other thing...

#3 - Most people have no idea how to make their email list profitable

With the right tools and the knowledge, you can create a profitable email list EVEN IF your email list is small.

That’s why I focus so heavily on not just getting subscribers, but actual relationship building with your email list.

Note: creating a profitable email list starts BEFORE you ever have the subscriber on your list.

Do you want to know how to make more moolah from a tiny email list?

BTW - if you want to get the inside scoop on how I grow an email list? Then, check out the Ultimate Ads Guide.


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