How to Create a Last-Minute Sale That Pumps Cash Into Your Business

As I write this - Black Friday is right around the corner.

And while this year, I helped a business plan out their Black Friday marketing strategy back in August…I’ve also been there when Black Friday is in less than two weeks, you see everyone else already promoting their stuff and you’ve got nothing planned. 😬

Just know it’s not too late!

You can still have a pretty successful Black Friday sale that pumps cash into your business.

Your best bet is to focus on your warm audience.

Your warm audience is fancy schmancy marketing lingo for people who already follow you…you know, the folks chilling out on your email list, or even your past customers! 

Trying to get people to buy from you on Black Friday when they don’t know you is a recipe for disaster because A LOT of businesses (especially the big ones) are all trying to wave down those new people too.

I highly recommend that you only focus on the folks who already know you and hit them with just ONE offer.

It could be a BOGO sale, percentage off a product, etc. But just get some type of sale out there! 

Remember, during times like Black Friday, Labor Day, Memorial Day etc. your customers are in buying mode and expecting a deal.

That’s why I always like to gut check whether the deal I’m about to make is a good one by asking myself, “If I saw this offer, would I want it?” And if the answer is yes, then go for it!

Here’s the thing…if you’re a completely brand new business, doing a Black Friday sale may not be the most profitable period for you right this second.

In an ideal world, you will have a runway of time you’ve already invested in growing a warm audience.

And truthfully, growing your warm audience is important at all times so that you can run a sale! Here’s what I mean…

BTW - if you want to get the inside scoop of how I create a warm audience, check out the Ultimate Ads Guide.

No matter what, you should be growing a warm audience you can sell to at any time.

For one particular ecommerce business I run ads for, I will invest time in growing their email list before launching a new product.

This helps lower the ad costs and secure the fact that I actually have an audience I can sell the products to.

That’s why even if you don’t have a big warm audience, that doesn’t mean it’s time to go relax.

If you don’t have a warm enough audience to run a Black Friday sale (or any type of short term sale for that matter) it means that it’s time to start BUILDING your warm audience.

What you start today will snowball and you’ll see the effects from it in 90 days - or even sooner! 

Doing the work now is a gift you can give your future self so that you can see the results, friend! 😎

How do you actually build a warm audience?

I reveal all about it inside my Ultimate Ads Guide which you can download below.


What Happened in Marketing This Week - November 16, 2023