What Happened in Marketing This Week - January 4, 2024

  • Why Facebook consistently being nosy about “this” is actually a good thing for you 👃

  • Have you heard this story before? Here’s why a big failure led me to start this company 🎧📺

There’s one thing we can all be certain of as the saying goes… death. Taxes. And here’s another one. That Facebook is nosy as F.

But the truth is, when you run ads, you can actually use their nosiness to your advantage and grow your business.

Here’s what I mean…come set and let me tell you a quick story.

We all know that not too long ago, Apple, which owns the market on cell phones, decided they wanted to pretend to care about our privacy and force every business with an app to have a browser tracking message pop up on our screens.

This happened in 2021 and it sent the digital advertising market into a tailspin.

No longer could you throw up a bunch of junk ads online and still have leads and sales coming in.

It forced the bad advertisers (sorry, not sorry) out of the market. And the people who truly care about marketing as a profession got better. 

The reason why ads have continued to work on Facebook though is because Facebook could still track what people do inside of their platform. They just could no longer track what people did after they left the world of Facebook.

Well there’s actually good news for you that just dropped about Facebook’s link tracking. 

Facebook recently said they will now be tracking all of the links that people click on inside of the app.

Why does this matter to you?

This means that when someone clicks on a link for anything SPECIFIC, Facebook will know. 

Soooo, for example, let’s say you run a roofing company and your goal is to get business from real estate investors who need to put a new roof on their home. 

Now, if a real estate investor is cruisin’ along in Facebook…

  • And they click on a link to see more about a Fixer upper home that’s listed through Redfin

  • Then they see a link for a hard money lender that puts out a blog post about lending options

  • They also click on a link for another blog post that’s describing the ins and outs of redoing your roof

  • The investor also sees an ad from someone promoting a pdf that’s talking about the “5 things to consider before hiring a roofing company.”

  • Then, they click on a video from another investor who’s talking about how they found the best roofing company for their first flip…

Rest assured, this person would probably be someone you may want to put your ad in front of because they would probably be interested in your stuff, you know what I mean?

This is what I mean by using Facebook’s ‘nosiness’ to your advantage. 

👛 Penny for my Thoughts

Now, Facebook did say that people will be able to turn off link tracking and that data will still be stored for 90 days. However, considering that a lot of people have trouble even finding how to stop getting notifications from some people, I think this new update will actually make your ads more effective.

Have you ever heard my story behind why I started Travel for Sunrise Boutique Marketing Co.

Make it stand out

I was actually embarrassed to share this…but it needed to be said. 

You can check the video out by clicking the details here >>>


How Email Marketing Is Changing on February 1st, What You Need to Know to Stay Ahead of the Game, and How to Make These “Changes” Work for You 🙌


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